
Mentors3 Project: Improve Mental Health Awareness

Mentors3 Project: Improve Mental Health & Scholarship Awareness Within the Community Students: Emma Mueller, Jenna Illig Mentor: Maria Klaus Diltz Thank-you Emma Mueller, Jenna Illig, and Mentor Maria Klaus Diltz! You are doing a great job, we appreciate your efforts through the Mentors3 – Delphos program on behalf of the Matt Ulrich Foundation. We CONTINUE


Mentors3 Project: Fitness Awareness

Mentors3 Project: Fitness – Develop Fitness and Pump & Run Event Awareness. Students: Josie Schulte, Cassidy Shafer Mentor: Laura Hammons A big Thank-You to Josie Schulte, Cassidy Shafer, and Mentor Laura Hammons for your continued efforts promoting the 2nd Annual Matt Ulrich Foundation Pump & Run as part of the fitness project with Mentors3 – CONTINUE


Mentors3 Project: The Matt Ulrich Foundation Website

Mentors 3 Project: Matt Ulrich Foundation Website Design Students: Jeffrey Caputo and Dylan Anthony Mentor: Kate Ellis, NOW Marketing Our first meeting was in early November. Dylan, my mentor Kate, and I have been meeting with Koby every Monday to discuss content for the Matt Ulrich Website. This included information for CONTINUE